Thursday, August 16, 2012

Grooming and loving

Besides sleeping, your cat spends an important part of it's day grooming itself, taking really good care of it's fur.

Cat's lick

You can't be left out of this important part of his life, and should help him as it also strengthens your bonds. Remember your cat sees you as the substitute for his mum, and mums do a lot of grooming!
Make it a moment of pleasure for both, and do it on a time he's feeling relaxed and laid back. Why not when you find him grooming itself?

Cat licks other cat

You can find many brushes and combs in the market, and this might make you feel confused, so what can be the best solution?

Whether your cat has short or long hair does make a difference, as some combs and brushes are more meant for one or the other.
On both cases you should be looking for a brush that is easy for you to use, will remove most of it's moulting hair, and that your cat do find pleasurable. A glove with soft rubber tips like this one is a nice option.

Cat's tongue
Another one, not as practical, as it doesn't come in a glove shape, is called ZoomGroom and is from Kong. It's success comes on the ingenious to mimic a cat's tongue, displaying soft and long rubber tips, just like your mummy's cat's tongue. 

Most cat's simply love it's massage, as you can easily watch on this video below:

This is only one of the many videos you might find, as this ZoomGroom came to revolutionize cat's care. As a plus, this brush can also be used in long haired cat's though this cannot be the only fur care they need.

Remember that this is a really important care, that should never be forgotten. Cat's that don't get help usually have a lot of fur balls and some of them might even get tangled in their intestines, needing surgical help for it's removal. Besides that, this isn't a very pretty and healthy image to see:

Matted cat

This basic care should be enhanced when days start to become hotter, as their fur fall more abundantly. 
Besides this, there is also one comb you might need if your cat goes outdoors, flea combs. This will help the chemical war you should maintain, so that your house doesn't get populated with fleas. A simple combing and there's nothing to worry! It can also be used on their paws to remove some dirt they might carry with them.

Cat's scratching fleas

All other combs in the market were designed for long hair (or semi-long) hair cats, for remove mats and knots. Thus, they all vary in the lenght of the tooth of the comb and the space beween each tooth. Therefore, if your cat has long fur, like persians, you should buy combs with long tooths, as they can reach deeper into it's coat. 
Cat's combThe space between the tooths of the comb will grant you more efficiency untangling it's fur. 
You should have 2 combs with different tooth spacing, and you should always start with the longer spaced tooth comb, as you should attack knots and matted fur with gentle care. You should make sure combs are of a good material, as they won't get oxidized, and are comfortable for you. Other very important thing is to assure and that their teeth are smooth and round, or you'll hurt your beloved cat.  
For severe knots and mats, there are also de-matting combs, that cut though the mat, and solve radically some troubled situations.
Here are some examples:

For long and semi-long haired cats, you'll also need a brush, which will grant you time while brushing your cat. And you should start with it. There are many varieties, and you should choose one with good metal tooths, and fine spacing between so that it covers a large amount of fur. The metal tooth are really thin, and that's why they won't hurt your furry's friend  skin. 

On massive shedding times, such as early summer, you might need something a bit more effective like furminator. It's comb goes right through the fur, cutting and eliminating many extra fur. It should only be used  on this time of the year, and no more than 1 time per week, depending on your cat's shed. Check its efficiency in this video below:

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