Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cat's claws trimming

Soon enough you'll find your cat spends many of it's time grooming itself. This pleasurable moments can and should count on your assistance, as it will endure your relationship. Your cat will always see you as his mum (or dad), and grooming their children is a natural thing for a mum to do! Besides that re-bonding, helping him with his hygiene is a matter of the pet's health, as there are some things that other way would be impossible for a house cat to do itself.

Cat mum

One of this is to trim their claws. Cats that go outdoors usually don't require any attention on that behalf, as their claws get worn out simply by walking, hunting and scratching the neighborhood trees. But indoor cats need your help, so follow carefully this tips and lean how to do it the proper way!

Cat and it's claw

First of all, this hygiene care should be done on a quiet, pleasured moment, so never force your cat to be with you when he doesn't want it. For him, it's strange to having someone trimming their claws, so choose to start doing it while it's asleep, petting him along the way, as it'll not notice you're doing it. If he's being used to do it from an early age, he will not complaint latter on, so start right from the start!
One by one, press gently one of your cat's finger cushion until the claw comes of. 
 Retractile cat claw

Look at it closely. If it isn't dark, you'll see a pinkish region and a more whiter one. That pinkish region is called the quick and should never ever be cut, as it has blood vessels, and therefore if you cut it, it will hurt your cat, causing it to suffer, and the claw will bleed.
So, look at it and cut it's claws 2 mm (approximately 0,08 inch) below it.

Cat quick claw

If you use a human nail clipper, make sure you place it perpendicular to the claw, as seen on the image below. If you do it paralelly, the claw might splinter.
Cut cat claw

Make sure you use a sharpened tool, as it will fasten and perfect your process.
Depending on the level of activity of your cat, and the natural wearing out of it's claws, this might be done between 1 time per week to 2 to 3 times per week. Therefore, check regularly for your cat's claws, and cut it when needed. Older cats might need that trimming even more often, as their level of activity is low, their claws might grow too long if unattended, curl up and even grow into the finger. Getting used to claw clipping is therefore   very important. If you can't hold him still for the claw clipping, try gently wrapping it up on a towel.

Restrained cat

When he's small, using a common nail clipper might be easier for you, but some adults have such stronger claws for witch you might need a nail clipper for pets, like these ones. For these, called a guillotine, you need to pay even more attention, and always face it's screws towards the cat, or you'll cut more than you've planned. So, before using it, make sure you've perfectly understood how it works!

Other claw trimmers, scissors type, aren't as precise and therefore are more used for dogs and tough situations as when the claw is all curled up.
In case of any doubt, contact your local veterinary. He will be glad to cut your cat's claws, and help you do it the next time!
Other solution is to regularly wear out your cat's claws using an electric nail grinder or buff edger like those shown below. 

It will probably take you longer, and you'll need buying replacement drums, but it's the safer solution if your cat's claws are dark or if you are short-sighted or have any other sight problems.

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